March Member Profile


March’s Member Profile is of Michelle Brown, Head – Learning & Student Success at the University of Ottawa.

What would you be if you weren’t a librarian?
My first career was as a French and English teacher. In this role I was able to teach literature and language which are my two passions. If I couldn’t be a librarian, I think I would like to return to teaching. I love all things about teaching and learning! I am curious and always interested in learning new things.

What is your motto?
“You cannot pour from an empty cup” – I think that librarianship is very much a helping profession, but we have to remember to take care of ourselves as well. Its very difficult since there are so many demands on us, but its so important to find even a small amount of time to relax, exercise, and eat healthy foods.

What were you doing before you started your current work position?
Before I came to my current position, I was the liaison librarian for the Faculty of Education for many years. This was a wonderful role that allowed me to use my teaching degree and also really prepared me for the role I have now as the head of learning & student success. I loved working closely with the pre-service teachers and we also had a really amazing children’s literature collection. I read all the classics and discovered many new favorites for my son!

What are your research interests?
I am very interested in open pedagogy and open educational resources, particularly how they can be used in linguistic minority settings. uOttawa is officially bilingual (French and English) and we are placing increased efforts to support the creation of French langauge learning resources.

Weigh in: is CAPAL pronounced ‘capple’ or ‘ca-pal’?
I’ve always pronounced it “capple” (rhymes with apple)

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